
国際交流基金 ニューヨーク日本文化センター様より
Yumehina Puppet Company: February 15 at Asia Society, New York http://asiasociety.org/new-york/events/yumehina-puppet-company
Benshi Ichiro Kataoka, February 25 at Film Forum

1/17~19/2013 Updated
本展では、歴代の家元の理念に従い、 「春を待つ」をテーマに、草月ニューヨーク支部会員有志30名による独創的で自由な発想から生けられた「いけばな」が展示される予定です。
Supported by the Consulate General of Japan in New York
The Nippon Gallery is pleased to announce that will be host a 2013 Ikebana flower show, titled “Waiting for Spring” by Sogetsu New York Branch.
The Sogetsu School was founded by Sofu Teshigahara in 1927. He proposed Ikebana as an Art that emphasizes the arranger’s individual feelings and creativity. His thoughts were carried down through
three generations by 2nd headmistress Kasumi, 3rd headmaster Hiroshi and present leader Akane.
Sogetsu New York Branch started in 1971. Their educational mission includes not only workshops but also exhibitions and demonstrations for the public.
Following the current theme of their IEMOTO, head of Sogetsu, Akane Teshigahara, about 30 members will exhibit arrangements with ”Waiting for Spring” in mind.
Date: 01/17/13 ~ 01/19/13
Time: Jan 17: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Jan 18: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Jan 19: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: The Nippon Gallery
Fee: Free
Contact: yhonda@nipponclub.org/(212) 581-2223